I fail at life.
My parents sent me to a therapist aboput my eating disorder.
My boyfriend has been forcing me to eat.
My sister wont leave me alone...
Then I had a breakthrough.
I released myself from Ana.
I thought;
"Hey, I'm beautiful. I shouldn't have to worry about what I eat!"
I let them force - feed me.
They thought I recovered.
I did too.
Then my best friend started talking about skinny girls and how pretty they were.
I relasped.
This madness will never end.
I'm going to gain control again.
Even if it kills me.
:( I know this feeling.. Days after not eating you start having the empty feeling and the empty feeling is the best feeling and then it's like we want to reward ourselves because we feel pretty. I do this alot. But I'm really trying to stay to my ABC diet I started today. We'll get through this. We'll be skinny.