Thursday, April 7, 2011

HALLS is my new best friend. 
They are, by far, the most disgusting cough drops I have ever tasted. After eating one, I still have that horrid aftertaste, and I resist any bingeing. It's AMAZING. This works especially well if you are sick like me.

Why am I sick? 

From swimming in 40 degree water for almost an hour...

Well, anyway, when you are home sick, aren't you always tempted to binge? I was downstairs, just sitting there, surrounded by food... and it's not like I have anything to do... So, after trying to have a healthy breakfast, (egg and a eggwhite, apple, strawberry, and 3 almonds) I nearly binged, but popped a HALLS in my mouth and everything was cool.

Anyway, just thought that I would share this epiphany with the world.

Have a nice day. <3



  1. Generally being home alone seems like a good excuse to binge for me, because there's nothing to do and you're sick/depressed/a failure so why not eat! Also helps that there's no one around to see haha.
    I may try out your epiphany though! Unless I unfortunately like the taste. I like lockets?
    Anyway, get well soon! x

  2. Your dedication to swimming motivates me! It takes determination to swim in 40 degrees water! The HALLS cough drops sound amazing. I'll definitely try them if I find any! Get better soon and stay strong! <3

  3. get well soon honey!

  4. ooooooo That's a good idea :) Halls it is!
